Thursday, October 7, 2010


Well, I have this weekend off, and by off I mean totally off, no work, no driving ridiculous distances, a little bit of reading and homework, but I don't have to leave my house if if I don't want to. This hasn't happened since some time back in April I think...whenever I started working "every other weekend" which really means every weekend, and a couple days out of the week. I've worked 60+ hour weeks ever since, and now that school's started I dropped the hotel some, but picked up...Economics.

I get home Mondays around 8PM, Tuesdays around 9PM, Wednesdays around 8PM, Thursdays around 9PM, then Friday at 5PM, but I work at 11PM, so I go right to bed. Then, I get done Saturday at 7AM and usually return by 9PM. Of course, this all on a good week. It wasn't long ago that on a Friday I worked 8AM-4:30PM, 5PM-12AM, 12AM-8AM. All at different places. Needless to say, this is how I look most days...

Not this weekend though. This weekend, I'm going to look like this...

Or maybe this, if I play my cards right...

Agh, who I'm I kidding. I don't like to drink much. Then again, I haven't been to a bar since the smoking ban in mid-August. We'll see what happens.

1 comment:

Amy said...

lol sounds like a lovely wknd. Wish I could do the same, but I'm busy! Sorta. Mostly just Saturday. Work then date with new boy. We'll see what Sun/Mon bring since I have those days off!

Enjoy your wknd!