Friday, September 24, 2010

Adult-onset Disfuctional Mental Multitasking (ADMM)

I was often chastised by adults for listening to music or watching TV while I did homework. As I got older, I honestly believed that music or some other "subliminal" noise was keeping the focus of the part of my brain that was easily distracted. The part that would wonder while I was reading, was now focused on the music playing. I was productive, I understood the material, I was conceptualizing, I was retaining.

Now, in the last six months, my ability to listen to music while studying, and retain what I have read is approaching 0. Every now and again, I'm still able to do it, but more and more I find myself having to shut it off. And I do not do so happily. I've tried jazz, blues, classical - piano and cello, folk, I get distracted by all of them. Television is hopeless, unless I really hate the show or have seen it and didn't particularly like it , but those shows are few and far between.

I turned 25 in March. I can see this as the only cause of the deterioration of my mental multitasking abilities.

I would like to think that "practicing" would help, or mental exercises, but isn't that what I've been doing all along, every time I listen to music and study?

I will overcome this. I have to. I don't have to listen to music every time I decide to study or read, but I want to be able to when I decide I want to. I can think of nothing better than listening to Muddy Waters while reading Toni Morrison, or Miles Davis while reading The Great Gatsby or McTeague, Thelonious Monk while evaluating Political Liberalism, Mumford and Sons while practicing solving problems using the quadratic equation. It's all part of the experience that leads to retention.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Christine O' Donnell and other rantings.

I am pissed off. Time for a rant.

School started wonderfully, I was ahead in my homework, turning things in on time, and don't tell anyone, but sometimes early.

Then, last week I look at the syllabus for my Philosophy of Economics class, and the assignment is a chapter of the book and two article posted online, only they weren't posted yet. I waited and waited, checked the syllabus again, waited some more, sent the professor an email, waited some more, he said he'd post them soon, I waited some more, ranted and raved about how the professor was totally fucking up my rhythm, checked the syllabus again last night, only to discover that Thursday is not the 23rd, but the 16th, and I'm a week off. Our response papers were due about 10 minutes ago, and needless to say mine is not there. Our class isn't until tomorrow, so I still have time to do the reading, but I probably won't get points for the response.

Normally, this would not be a big deal, and it's actually not a big deal, but it MUST BE A BIG DEAL, or I might as well consider the semester over right now. I have set very strict, not so strict rules for myself, and if I waive one, I will completely relapse into my very lackadaisical self.

Ok, moving on. Beware of major F-bombs below.

Delaware!!!??? What the fuck are you thinking???!!!!

Now before I get arrested for libel or something, all of this information came from sources which are listed at the bottom of the page.

Christine O' Donnell as your US Senator? You have got to be fucking kidding me. Of all the people in the whole fucking state, you find the one fucking person who most resembles, and may turn out to be worse than, fucking Sarah Palin. I am sickened. For God's sake she thinks masturbation is wrong. She didn't get her BA until this summer. She worked her campaign from her townhouse and used donation money to pay half the rent. Of course, this is because she lost her actual house in Wilmington. She owed $90,000 on it, and the government was going to auction it, and she sells it to her campaign manager. She owes back taxes. She's fucking homophobic. If she wins, there will be no doubt in my mind that the end of the world as we know it, will occur on Dec. 21st, 2012. On Dec. 22nd, the aliens will be coming to inoculate all of us in preparation for a new life of slavery on the planet Halvoxaite, because we are completely incapable of managing a planet ourselves.

This Tea Party business is really starting to freak me out. I went to a meeting in Grand Forks early this year, and it was pretty standard "we don't work to pay for your health care" blather, which is fine, people are entitled to their opinion and their property, but then this guy comes out and starts ranting and raving about liberty and shouting lines from Braveheart, "They may take our lives, but they'll never take our FREEDOM!" When he was done, people cheered. Maniacs. Heartless extremism, at it's very worst. They don't understand the economy, religion, the Constitution, freedom, or liberty. They blame all Muslims for 9/11, and are just flat out ignorant. Now, I will add one qualifier. Not all Tea Party members are this way, I'm sure of that, but I haven't met a single one. I'm not exactly in a location that's conducive to meeting Tea Party members, but I haven't even heard of one who can make a valid argument - even one I disagree with! It's all been rubbish - rumors and hate mongering. And now Christine O' Donnell is the Republican nominee for US Senate in Delaware. Unbefuckinglievable.

Ok, rant over.

Have a lovely day!

Here's her campaign website, conveniently, nothing fucking works, all links are broken.

Oh yeah, and her facebook page, where you can't write on her wall or find anything about her views. You can donate though! Please don't!