Friday, August 22, 2008

I don't get

How in the frick do I get updates on other people's sites I've "subcribed" to? Am I just supposed to remember them, because that ain't gonna happen. I need reminders.

Friday, August 15, 2008


They found him. 7'7'', 550lbs, 16 in human-like feet. Proof undeniable. P.S. to AP, you can't tell me your being stalked then not give me the new page...

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Best Bruise Ever...

I was laying on the beach and a meteor fell from the sky. Luckily the atmosphere cooled it so it didn't melt through my skin.
I was rammed by a shark...sounds dirty I know.
It's a crystal ball that I use to predict the future.
Hank Aaron hit a homer at my leg.
Ink? Tattoo gone very wrong...or very right.