Thursday, August 12, 2010

New Grand Forks

I have approximately 10 days left in Old Grand Forks. On the 23rd, which conveniently is when school starts, I'm entering New Grand Forks. Basically, this will consist of me tricking myself into believing I am actually moving to a new physical space. In order to this, a number of things must happen:

1. Clean out my closet. Why this is number one on the list I can't say, but walking in to a clean closet is sure nice.

2. Force all things which do not have a "place" to take over something else's space, or be thrown in the garbage. I could donate, but let's face it, I'm lazy.

3. Change routines. I'll be taking a new way to work. Maybe not the most efficient way, but a new way. Incorporate 30 minute nap up to 3 days/wk as needed.

4. Maintain schedule. This will be the most difficult, and I probably should have been doing so all summer, but live and learn. I LOVE being able to do things when they come up, and I think if I monitor my decisions closely, I will be successful. If someone calls at 10:00PM for a drink, I can go so long as I'm back by 11:00. If I don't think I'll be back by then, I don't get to go. I must be firm enough to give myself real structure, but flexible enough so I don't become rebellious.

5. Pay Attention. I'm going to start looking around more. I'm not, nor have I ever been, very detail oriented. My job demands it, and yet, I find myself ignoring important spelling errors, simple arithmetic errors, etc.

6. Blog as if I actually am in a new place. This'll be pretty difficult too, but we'll see what happens. Expect a change.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Good for you Ame :) Do you need help??? I could use a vacation ;) And I LOVE organizing and wouldn't mind you fighting with me on how something is "important". haha.