So, this story has me very intrigued. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/us_death_in_disney_town
Here's my THEORY.
Disney built the town in 1996.
Walt Disney dies December 15th, 1966.
The man who killed himself, lost his business, in 2006. Here we have 666 - the first 6 in 66 was a safety net implemented by Walt in case Craig Foushee was able, by some miracle, to save his business.
Now, Craig gets divorced in 2009 - something Walt did not plan for, but which worked very well in his interest.
You see, Walt Disney had himself cryogenicly frozen...well, his head anyway, in anticipation of the scientific advancements that would allow him to get a new body. What no one planned for, of course, is the amount of pure imagination trapped in Walt's frozen head. When the thirty year anniversary of Walt's death came and passed without the necessary science to bring body and mind together, the people at Disney knew they had to do something before the imagination collapsed in on itself and vanished after 50 years. They built the town in an effort to begin the imagination release process - Operation Robin Williams - after the Genie, who is released from his bottle in Aladdin, just as Walt's imagination needed to be.
The community thrived, performing seances every night to release the "Genie." Eventually they realized, too much imagination had been released...it had become a living thing...an obsessive compulsive living thing that demanded strict order and bright, beautiful colors and happiness all the time.
An unfortunate requirement for Mr. Craig Foushee who, suffering from his divorce and bankruptcy was not happy at all. The imagination rose up from it's lair under the town and latched on to Foushee, forcing every unhappy muscle in his body to revolt against the implanted happiness. He had no choice. He had to kill Matteo Patrick Giovanditto, who lived with his chihuahua, and was as happy as a clam.
As my (most likely one and only) reader knows, I love the X-Files. It was not a difficult leap to make then, when I heard about this small handbook guided community, who found itself in the midst of murderers, that the culprit is a monster buried under the ground, created by none other than Walt Disney, and, in fact, is Walt Disney.
Please remember, this is all speculation, and 95% imagination. What happened to both victims, which I believe both of them are, is absolutely terrible and heartbreaking. Surely even they would admit though, that it's straight out of the X-Files, and I'm sure Disney doesn't mind a little imagination in the face of travesty. May they all rest in Disneyland.
You heard it here first.
The end.
P.S. To my reader: Meet me in Hawaii in three years, haha.
Is it completely weird that I logged into my Reader and when I saw a few strangling posts left in the folder in which your blog is saved under and I had this feeling I would find one from you? And then note that the timestamp on your post says that this reached my Reader 16mins ago. lol. weeeeird.
Why Hawaii? How about something across the pond? Scotland? Ireland?
I think I'm going to have different aliases each time I leave a comment.
ps- I feel like I'm watching a porno when I watch Californication sometimes.
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