It's been quite sometime since I updated - I've been busy with the damn drawing a day blog, which by the way, is really getting on my nerves already. It's been a month, and I'm just not sure what benefit it's bringing. I don't get any better, I spend an inordinate amount of thinking of things to draw, only to discover I don't really know how to draw most them. I suppose I will gain some things - patience, commitment, maybe a few random tricks of the trade, but I'm not sure it's worth it. I'm not going to stop, but I can feel other interests tickling the back of my brain, calling out, "Amy, play with me. Watch me. Listen to me. Read me. Make me. Paint me." You get the idea. My guitar is calling out loudest, and I may pick that up again here shortly.
My Asian American Lit class reads just about a book a week, and I'm behind.
We made it through season two of Californication, and were hesitant to start season three, but it's ok so far, just like the other seasons. Lots of sex, some drugs, some David Duchovny being very un-Mulder. I like it more than Human Target, but I'm not sure what that means. The Wonder Years is coming along - half way through season two. I never want to watch it, but once we start I usually enjoy it. I told my roommates to tell me to shut the fuck up when I hem and haw over watching it. We still watch Modern Family, Community, 30 rock and Parks and Rec - the funniest lost of shows TV has seen in quite awhile. I also watch Parenthood but my "macho" roommates are too good for that. Same with Brothers and Sisters, but even I'm losing interest in that show - then again I'm behind quite a few episodes, but I don't want to watch them until the seasons over.
What else? I was home for less than 48 hours last weekend for Cobin's first birthday and to try bridesmaid dresses for Sonya's wedding in July. Guava is the color, so a pink/orange color - actually I'll just post it here.
It's not quite that color, a little darker, a little oranger, but close. Actually even the color Guava on the website isn't the color of the actual dress. Anyway, it's stair climbing time. I have six floors in the building connected to mine, so when I get home from work I run up them as fast as I can twice. By floor three I'm usually ready to bust a lung, but it's kind of fun. I pretend I'm being chased, like in the movies. I do not run down the stairs though 1) Freddy Krueger 2) I'm clumsy and would hate to fall down all the steps - or even one flight for that matter.
I bought a Betty White calendar. March is totally cool:
I just got email from a very good friend of mine who I haven't talked with nearly enough over the last couple of years, but with just a few lines, he totally rocked my world.
"Saw your drawerings. Its like I am peeking into the artist's mind and finding chaotic order, the cognitive web that influences each day. Each time I react to a drawing, even if its in my own way and different from yours, this is THE connection. This transcends time, space, and unique experience; an inevitable friendship. A single tear rolls down my face, and I crack a smile as a warm chinook wind breezes through my hair. The heavy snow creeps above the sole, and against only thin in-step fabric--- a warm spring day rises from memory to reality, and I am six, and walking alone to school."
Holy shit, right. Essentially, it doesn't mean much to anyone else, but at the same time it totally points to this weird fucked up world we live in where things can be absolutely falling apart, and then we go and find these links between ourselves and other people, and those links are always there, no matter what, even when they feel broken or when we don't work hard at maintaining them. I'm always amazed at how detached I can be from the real world and feelings and all that good stuff, when I have people in my life like this, who constantly remind me that I live in this world, I participate in it, I influence and am influence by it, and in no way am I above it or beyond it, or somehow outside it. The inside experiences are the best ones any way, I don't know why I fight it.
Guess that's it for now - I'm going to go nurse my philosophical meltdown. Luckily, mine is far less serious than most, and will most likely go away with sunshine.