All names have been changed...except mine.
Dear Paul,
This is a formal complaint against the current manager of the Highway Crown Inn, Glen Marrow.
Recount of events:
I arranged and confirmed multiple times that I would have the weekend of August 13 and 14th off, in exchange for working two weekends in a row (August 20, 21st and 28th, 29th) with Rachel, the assistant manager, so that I could work at the Great 7 while Julie had jury duty. On Wednesday, August 4th I came to the HCI to get my check. As I was leaving, I remembered that Rachel had wanted everyone to write down their schedules before the 8th. I went to grab a sheet of paper and she said something to the effect of, “You’re every other weekend, we know you’re schedule, you don’t have to write it down.” I replied something like, “Ok, and you don’t have me on for this weekend or the 13th and 14th, right?” To which Rachel said, “Yep, you’re good.” I left. As far as I was concerned, my next days to work at the HCI were the 20th and 21st, which I would have confirmed early that week as I ALWAYS do.
On the 13th I received a call from Michael at 11:04PM asking if I was coming in to work. I said no, I’m at G7 until midnight, it should be Joe. He sounded angry about this, and said he was going to call around and see what happened. Twenty minutes later I get a call from Glen asking what the deal was. He was aggressive right from the beginning of the conversation, interrupting me, yelling, saying it was my responsibility to check the schedule, to which I responded that I did, multiple times, he said the schedule wasn’t out until Monday, I said yes, but I shouldn’t have to call daily, I confirmed with the assistant manager before she made the schedule, so there was no reason for me to check it again, and my responsibilities had been fulfilled, you’ll have to take it up with Rachel. He continued to yell and blame me for the whole situation. I told him I was at the Great 7 and that I didn’t appreciate the way he speaking to me, he continued on saying he was ticked off, I said well, you’re not my boss, Paul is. He said well, maybe that’s how it’s going to have to be from now on. I asked if he was firing me, he talked over me, saying more about how I’d report to Paul. I apologized for saying he wasn’t my boss, that technically, every other weekend he is my manager, but that Paul is my main boss and that he can’t talk to me like this, and said again that it was inappropriate for him to be yelling at me; I have guests in the lobby buying snacks, to which he again said I’d be under Paul and hung up on me in a huff. I immediately called Paul and recounted the conversation.
After I got off the phone with Paul, the guest in the lobby began offering me legal advice, explaining that I didn’t need to tolerate that kind of behavior, that I had done nothing wrong. He said I handled it well. He suggested I talk with Glen’s supervisor, and I told him that’s what I’d just done. The guest said if I needed anything, he was staying in room 110 on the night of the 13th, he could be looked up as a “witness” if need be.
I find this to be a disgusting misuse of authority and irresponsible management. He acted childishly, and threw a fit that could not be calmed down, no matter what I said. I know that he was upset because he was going to have to work the shift, but that is absolutely no excuse. If he had simply called and explained there was no one to work and there had been a misunderstanding, I would have worked it, just like I ALWAYS do. If Glen had taken two minutes to find out anything about me, he would know that I’m the one that gets called when no one can work, and if I’m in town and not working somewhere else, I do it. All he would have had to do was ask. I work 60 hour weeks in order to help out and fill in where I can, I frequently work double shifts (often leaving one hotel for another), I work all shifts, I do my work, I’ve called in sick twice in 6 years many hours before I was due in, I’ve never missed a scheduled shift, but Glen can’t even bother to introduce himself when I met him for the first time to pick up my check on the 4th. He has shown me no respect since the day I started, he can’t even get my address right on my paychecks (I’ve corrected it twice), just tells me they’ll cash it if I go to Bremer, which is not my bank, and is an extra stop for me.
It is my suspicion, that Glen harbors resentment over me being hired at the HCI through Paul, rather than himself, and may now use this instance as retaliation to fire me in the future, specifically because I called into question his authority over me. I understand that I am not being fired, but I am concerned that he may not act professionally in the future. I would prefer that I have zero to limited contact with Doug as I feel his presence and attitude toward his employees creates one of hostility that I would rather not have in my life. I work weekend over nights, so I really don’t see this request being an issue. As I said, the first time I met him in three months was last week. His bullying tactics may work on his younger employees, but I will not tolerate it.
I hope that you take this complaint seriously, as I have never had to write a formal complaint on any of your employees in six years, nor have spoken so harshly about any of them. In fact, I can’t think of a single one I’ve had any real problem with at all. I even got along pretty well with Martha, and she was one of the worst. I do not feel comfortable around Doug, and I do not trust him or his motivations, and I hope you can respect that.
Thank you for time,
Amy Kielmeyer