Friday, March 26, 2010

Mystery Science Theater 2010

Today I am beginning what will hopefully turn out to be a really awesome experience which will lead to me becoming a part-time private detective/alien hunter/seeker of the unknown.

A woman called me the other day requesting someone in the department to help her do some genealogical work. She's 65 and recently found out her father is not actually her father, which led to her discovery she is not a legal citizen of the US. Her mother brought her to the states when she was 1, so she's been here for 64 years, but she can't track down her mother's birth certificate. She's already uncovered many torrid affairs, business scandals, and her mother (who is 94, hates kids, and hoards animals) will no longer speak to her.

My guess so far? She was abducted by aliens.

Fear not. I am taking this 100% seriously. Do not let my fancy footwork fool you. I am in this for the long haul - whether that be to London, where her grandfather had a consulting firm, Boston, where he possibly founded the Boston U Business School, or the institution, where she or I may belong.

Wish me luck and tell a friend.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Big 25

Only minor feelings of crisis. I think I've accepted many of the social constructs that come with longer 24.

The first being, I am no longer in the "18-24" range, but have moved into the "twenty-something" phase of life.

It was a little difficult to grasp the idea of being two years shy of being my mother's age when she had me, only because as a child, I was always under the impression she was old when she had me, compared to my friends' parents, who were 22 or 23 when they had their first kjavascript:void(0)id.

At first I felt compelled to change things more drastically, but as a 25 year old now, they ain't how I roll, I mean I no longer behave in a drastic manner.

I move into an apartment with some friends on Monday. That will really change everything, more than this particular day ever will. I've gotten so used to just not using anything, it'll be nice to have all my things at my disposal again. Although, I was just about to list all the things I was going to start using, and I can't really think of anything beyond kitchen things. I guess the best thing, next to a full size freezer, will be that I will have somewhere else to sit besides the bed, which coincidentally, I won't actually have for awhile. I am so sick of laying/sitting on the bed all day I could puke. My damn elbow is probably permanently damaged from laying on it to watch TV at the end of the bed.

Anyway, one of the professors brought me in a chocolate brownie style cake - totally unexpected and really freakin' good cake. It was a nice surprise, they even got a card signed by most of the people and another prof gave me bacon flavored toothpicks, which is really weird, but really funny. I have to give them credit because I don't even know how they knew, and it sounds like they didn't until yesterday, haha. It's always a good day when you get cake at 9am. I got cards from my Grandma and Aunt in my work mailbox, Gma's had $20 so I will make it through the weekend without using my CC anymore, I'm going to lunch at Paradiso with a friend because you get a free meal on your birthday, and then when I get done with work I will most likely spend the night watching Brothers and Sisters.

I was about to write it should be a pretty good day all in all and then I got a text from someone I think I wish would just not text me. I don't know if that's what I wish exactly, I just wish we would talk and have the huge explosion fight we're bound to have and then just get over it so we can be move on and be friends again. I know I like to argue, but this is making me crazy. I've never had so much to say in all my life. I've never had so much I wanted someone else to say! I suppose I should get that part out of my head, but I don't care what she says, I just want her to say something. I suppose it won't be terrible if it doesn't happen, but there's nothing a big blowout tell-all can't solve, I'm sure of it.

Ok, so after that, it should be a pretty good day, this, the the twenty fifth occasion of the eleventh day of March.

Happy Birthday to me.